When you receive your financial statements, do you just glance over the details and head straight to the profit figure because you think this is the best indication of the success of your business?
Or perhaps you get too confused and overwhelmed with all the financial details so the profit figure is the only one you understand?
What you may not realise is you can use your financial statements to make your numbers talk and help you better understand and manage your business.
Our guide on How to interpret and use your financial statements is jam packed with information which will teach you what your financial statements are telling you, how to use ratios to help your business, as well as a case study putting all the equations into play.
With the new financial year in full swing, many of you would be looking at having your financial statements and tax returns prepared very soon. Use this guide to help you understand the operation of your business and give yourself more clarity than you’ve ever had before.
How can Walsh Accountants help?
As accountants and business advisors, our team know our way around your financial data. We can help you to understand some basics, and spot and areas of concern before they get out of hand.
Whilst completing these calculations on financial statements is great, the figures are historical because they’re from the last financial year. If you need a real time view into your business operation, nothing beats business insights reporting based on current and up-to-date financial data.
Business insights reporting delivers unique insights into the financial performance of a business and drives improvements to profit, cash and overall value of the business.
If you’re interested in taking a deeper dive into your financial story, contact one of our accountants for a confidential discussion based on your personal circumstances.