Are you, or anyone you know, in Manufacturing? Could you/they benefit from
The $50 million Manufacturing Modernisation Fund
Earlier this month, our Principal Consultant Gavin Austin attended an AusIndustry briefing on a new “Manufacturing Modernisation Fund”. The fund will potentially benefit any SME manufacturing business
Applications for this grant close at 4.00 pm Thursday 31 October, 2019
with no extensions granted.
Purpose of the Manufacturing Modernisation Grant
- Supports manufacturers to modernise, adopt new technologies, become more productive, and create more jobs by co-funding capital investments and associated reskilling.
- Modernisation includes technology upgrades, efficiency upgrades, process optimisation, or more transformative changes to enable new product development or diversification into new markets.
- Support investment in efficient and transformative manufacturing processes by small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs)
- Support jobs growth and a more highly skilled workforce in the manufacturing sector
Duration & Dollars
The program will run over 3 years and will be delivered through two streams of funding:
- An estimated $20 million for matched grants of between $50,000 to $100,000 for small scale technology and efficiency investments (1 to 1 funding)
- An estimated $30 million for larger grants between $100,000 to $1 million, on a three to one funding basis, to support transformative investments in technologies and processes
The maximum grant period is 2 years.
Eligibility Criteria
- Must incorporated entity (including a corporate trustee of a trust)
- SME with 199 employees or less
- Identify level of job creation
- Provide written evidence that project is supported by business owners & costs can be covered not covered by grant funding
The criteria are assessed on a merit basis.
If you would like to discuss how this grant could be of benefit to your Manufacturing Business, or discuss your eligibility, please contact Gavin Austin as soon as possible.
E: Ph: 5592 3644 M: 0404 415 300
With the grant closing on Thursday 31st October, he would need discuss this with you no later than Friday 25th October.