Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) is paid by employers on certain benefits they provide to their employees or their employees’ family, clients, or other associates.
This includes when you provide entertainment to employees and others.
Every year we are asked about the tax implications of various Christmas related gifts and activities.
Your Merry Christmas should not mean the ATO has a merrier new year so we want to share with you the tax implications of various Christmas related gifts and activities so you can avoid triggering FBT – Top 4 Christmas Tax Questions.
ā¦AND your very own FBT entertainment table which details what is deductable, non-deductable, and what situations trigger FBT.
The above table gives a simplified summary of the FBT and income tax results that generally arise from providing entertainment to employees and others. The table is not intended for use by income tax-exempt employers.
If you need some assistance understanding the tax implications of any of your Christmas gifts or activities, you can rely on the team at Walsh Accountants to provide all the information and support you need. Feel free to contact our office to speak with one of our accountants.