The Coaching Habit – The change of behaviour at the heart of what this book is about is this: a little more asking people questions and a little less telling people what to do.
To build an effective new habit, you need five essential components:
- a reason,
- a trigger,
- a micro-habit,
- effective practice, and
- a plan.
Make a Vow: think less about what your habit can do for you, and more about how this new habit will help a person or people you care about.
Figure Your Trigger: if you don’t know what triggers the old behaviour, you’ll never change it because you’ll already be doing it before you know
Double-S It: Be Short & Specific: B.J. Fogg’s work at suggests that you should define your new habit as a micro-habit that needs to take less than sixty seconds to complete.
Practice Deeply: The three components of Deep Practice are
- Practicing small chunks of the bigger action
- Repetition, repetition and repetition
- being mindful and noticing when it goes well. When it does, celebrate success
To continue reading Tom’s personal notes and opinions/ key takeaways that he gained whilst reading ‘The Coaching Habit’, Please click on the below link..